Bridging the Gap
Published in Warrior Women with Angel Wings ~ NDE’s: Birth of Healer, Teacher & Conduit
By Mija Cameto
Near Death Experiences started out as a foreign but intriguing idea to me as a child. I bonded immediately with a dear friend when we met in high school, as we had both broken our backs. She had a NDE during her car accident, and I believed her immediately. It was an expanded view of reality than I had previously perceived. She described her view from a location above the scene, aware of the car and her body in it, but also overwhelmed by a nearly impossible to resist bliss, so wanting to release into it. She felt her purpose, and chose to return. Another friend had a similar NDE a year before we met, and knew his purpose for staying involved his children as well. I was amazed by their greater access points of self awareness.
Fast-forward several years later, I saw Anita Moorjani’s first written account on a NDE research website. I had lived in Hong Kong when I was five years old, which is where she lived at that time. I had just started my own healing journey, after having so many injuries, illnesses, and conditions through my younger years, in nearly every location and system of my body. A devastating side effect of medication I had taken for a neurological auto-immune disease had left me feeling as though I wanted to explode into millions of pieces and never exist again. Internally, I desperately called out for help beyond my physical self, and little by little, steps opened up before me, through nuanced guidance and expansive healing experiences over the next years. Anita’s experience was especially vast and complex. Her recovery from cancer was incredible, and well documented. Her experiences confirmed my less clear view of the realms of wisdom and wellness available to us. Years later, neuroscientist Eben Alexander had his brain infection, NDE, and return to health thoroughly followed and documented. He wrote a book and toured to share his insights into the medical world’s misunderstandings and assumptions of NDE’s. He had been a skeptic himself, until experiencing one, realizing the dismissive reasonings were greatly lacking. Coming from generations of physicians, this support was a critical layer for me.
When I was asked to share in this book’s NDE collection, I didn’t understand why at first, as I have such a profound respect for those that have had what I consider true near death, out of body experiences. But now I realize that for some, hearing about spontaneous healing and multi-dimensional meditative experiences without the near death aspect can be a bridge for the gap between NDE’s and what most people consider normal reality. Theirs was a temporary life ending challenge with immediate multi-dimensional awareness and an abrupt return to life with profound healing. Mine have been relatively less drastic but with more occurrences, slowly increasing multi-dimensional awareness over years, and smaller but accumulative understandings of healing. NDE’s have given me great clarity in describing my own experiences in perception, inner shifts, and subsequent recovery.
“Birth of healer, teacher and conduit” in the title of this NDE collection also matches my outcome. My scientific, mathematical, and artistic paths became one of subtle energy and body healing arts, with clients’ regular feedback of “intuitive” and “healing.” Teaching became focused around the nature of reality, spontaneous healing, and the paradigm shift that explains how. I assist in the teaching of Reiki, the first energy technique of my healing journey. I have offered basic classes in EFT, a release technique of subconsciously held emotions using meridian tapping. I have found that at times I am a conduit, but it does not seem within my conscious control. It seems best when I feel my chest rise and my eyes look up as I put words to the feeling. Sometimes during bodywork sessions, or just speaking with someone, I have shared messages. At times to assist their current circumstance, or share unique connections from loved ones that have passed, and to me seem present but just no longer in physical form. It is an honor to be a part of it all. I cannot imagine my life without my physical, mental, and emotional challenges. Like NDE’s, they have been the bridge to my greatest gifts, a new life, and expanding awareness.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Mija Cameto was raised fourth generation immersed in western surgical medicine, with innate talents for and deeply passionate about the human body since childhood through science, mathematics, anatomy, physiology, artistic expression, movement, bodywork, meditation, and consciousness. After decades of personal illnesses, conditions, and injuries in every system and location of her body, her teaching and consulting work are the culmination of living a synchronistic and guided path further into wellness than she could have ever imagined. It is an honor and a gift to assist others to find their own path.
Published October 2022. This book, “NDE’s: Birth of Healer, Teacher & Conduit,” was combined with “Finding the Silver Lining & Purpose in Life's Gift.” Click here to see book on Amazon.